Goats Milk &Cappuccino Massage Soap

This project is super-simple, quick to make and the final product is super duper awesome! You don't need a ton of ingredients and equipment and it's a perfect choice for a last-minute handmade gift.

You will need:

- Goats Milk Soap Base (White)

- Clear Melt and Pour Soap Base ( I used Crystal Olive Clear Melt and pour Soap Base )

- Fragrance oil ( I used Cappuccino fragrance oil from Manskeshop (Germany))

- Coffee Beans

You can get these ingredients at many different soap and candle suppliers all over the world. I am going to link everything that I can find on Amazon here, but most of the time buying from soap and candle suppliers is cheaper (wholesalesupplies (US),The Soap Kitchen (UK), New Directions(Canada), BastelKreativ (Germany). You can find more suppliers on this page.

*as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

  • a microwave safe measuring glass (Pyrex works great)

  • a spatula

  • a sharp knife

  • a silicone mold

RECIPE (for 9 soap bars)

200g Goats Milk Soap Base (White)

150g Clear Melt and Pour Soap Base

5g Cappuccino Fragrance oils (you can use a different coffee-inspired fragrance if you like)

colorant, mica for example (optional)

coffee beans (as desired)


1. Weigh your Goatsmilk soap base (cut into cubes) into a microwave container. Cutting them into uniform chunks makes the melting faster and more evenly. If you choose a double-boiler melting method then your glass should be heat-resistant.

2. Sprinkle some coffee beans into your molds.

3. Once your soap base has completely melted you can add 2.5g of your fragrance oil to the soap and stir to combine. Now pour this mixture into the molds filling them about halfway up and spritz with 99.9% alcohol. It helps to reduce air bubbles.

4. Once the first layer has set up enough to hold the other layer of soap you can cut your clear melt and pour base into cubes and melt in a microwave in short bursts, stir in between each burst. Once completely melted, add 2.5 of your fragrance oil and stir to combine. Pour carefully into the molds. Spritz with alcohol.

5. Once your soap bars have completely hardened you can take pop them out, package, label and make your friends and family happy!

They're very gentle on the skin and look delicious (at least to me).

Let me know what you think about this project and happy crafting!

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