Bath Bomb Adventures Part III. Testing Embeds. Glycerin in Embeds

I have already a detailed post on embeds on the blog with three different recipes for you to try out. If you're a beginner and you don't know what embeds are for please, go to the post and give it a read.Bath Bomb Adventures Part II. Making Embeds.

Today we're going to test embeds without glycerin, with glycerin, and with glycerin + a powdered surfactant. Why would add glycerin to embeds??? The theory is that it's going to help your colorants to stay on the top of the water instead of coloring your water right away. So let's see by making 3 kinds of embeds and testing them in water.

RECIPE #1 Without Glycerin and Surfactants

100g Baking Soda
100g Citric Acid
2g Kaolin Clay or Cream of Tartar (optional)
0.2-0.3g water-soluble dye
1.25g of water

I am going to make ocean-themed double-colored embeds.

NOTE: if your bath bomb mixture contains surfactants (Polysorbate80, SLSA, SCI, SCS, Coco Betaine, etc) they will also help to color foam.

NOTE: humidity was 64% today so 1.25g of water was enough. I would add more if your humidity is lower.

NOTE: there will be a separate post on how I make my multicolored embeds.

RECIPE #2 With Glycerin

100g Baking Soda
100g Citric Acid
2g kaolin Clay or Cream of Tartar

0.2-0.3g water-soluble dye
1.25-1.5g water
0.3-0.4 g Glycerin

NOTE: if your bath bomb mixture contains surfactants (Polysorbate80, SLSA, SCI,SCS, Coco Betaine etc) they will also help to color foam.

RECIPE #3 With Glycerin and a Surfactant

100g Baking Soda
100g Citric Acid
2g Kaolin Clay or Cream of Tartar
2g SCS - Sodium Coco-Sulfate (you can also use SCI – Sodium Cocoyl Isethionate or SLSA)

0.2g water-soluble dye
1.5g hot water (if you use lakes then your water doesn’t have to be hot)
0.3-0.4 g Glycerin

Now, let's take a look at how these embeds performed in water.

RECIPE #1 Without Glycerin and Surfactants

In the matter of second water-soluble dyes colored the water into this gorgeous ocean blue color.

RECIPE #2 With Glycerin

Colors stayed on top of the water and then slowly started to go down and color the water. The fizzed slower than recipe #1.

RECIPE #3 With Glycerin and a Surfactant

Most of the colors stayed on the surface, colored the foam, and slowly colored the water and they fizzed and bubbled for quite some time. You can use less SCS or SLSA if you want.

I think you can make all kinds of embeds and use them in your projects. I really enjoyed testing these embeds and seeing how even the tiniest amount of certain ingredients can have this huge impact on the performance of a bath bomb embed.



Bath Bomb Adventures Part IV. Basic Multicolored Embeds


Scratching the Surface with Surfactants: Polysorbates 20, 60, 80