Kissy Macadamia Lip Butter

Since it's getting colder and windier outside our lips need a little bit more love and care. That is why I decided to make this lovely, nourishing, and moisturizing Lip Butter. The recipe is inspired by Humblebee and me Watermelon Mint Lip &Cuticule Butter. Her version includes a lightweight and silky watermelon oil which I decided to swap out for something a bit heavier and nuttier like macadamia nut oil. If you have a different oil in mind you could also use it.

I like to apply a thin layer of this butter on my lips after exfoliating with a lip scrub.

The procedure is very simple and includes 3 simple steps: weighing your oil phase, melting, adding heat-sensitive ingredients like vitamin E, and essential oils. You do need a very precise scale which measures down to 0.01g. They usually cost about 10-20$.

I made a 20g batch of this butter and although it doesn't seem like much, believe me, it's enough for a lip product. If you decide to make a larger batch then you can use Spreadsheets to calculate the recipe for you.

  1. Prepare a water bath by pouring some water into a pot or a sauté pan.

  2. Weigh the A phase ingredients (macadamia oil, stearic acid, lanolin)in a small heat resistant beaker or measuring cup and place it in the water bath.

3. Once everything is melted through let it cool down for a little bit. Mary from Humblebee recommends using an ice bath for this step. Now add your Vitamin E oil. If you decide to include essential oil in your recipe now is a good time to do so. Pour your liquid lip batter into your containers.

4. I placed my lip butter to cool down in a fridge but you can also leave it on your counter.

I want to thank Mary from Humblebee and me for creating so many gorgeous formulations and sharing them with us! She makes tons of stuff from bath bombs to facial lotions and shampoo bars so definitely check her blog if you're interested in making cosmetics.

If you would like me to make some of her recipes let me know. Maybe you have a different blogger or Youtuber on your mind? That's cool too. That would be so much fun trying out new formulations and seeing if they work.

I've also created a base for tracking ingredients, supplies, recipes, and recipes inspiration on Airtable and I am sharing it with you for free. Inventory &Sales Tracking Base saves me from ordering the same stuff twice, keeps all of my formulations in one spot, I know exactly when I made a certain product and how much of it I made and so much more. It's a lifesaver, trust me. Check out this post with detailed instructions on how to add this knowledge base to your Airtable workspace. All of the tabs (Tables) you see in the upper part of the screenshots are linked with each other. You'll see what I mean when paly around with this base.

Ingredients Table

Packaging and Labels.

Products you've made categorized by the type of product

keeping your recipes neat and organized

If you have any questions about using this base let me know in the comments section down below or pm me.

I hope you're having a perfect fall day with a cup of pumpkin spice latte and a good book!

See you next time.

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